Returns the sefira. For example, on day 8 חֶֽסֶד שֶׁבִּגְבוּרָה Chesed shebiGevurah Lovingkindness within Might
the day of the omer, 1-49 inclusive
en (English), he (Hebrew with nikud), or translit (Hebrew in Sephardic transliteration)
a string such as Lovingkindness within Might or חֶֽסֶד שֶׁבִּגְבוּרָה
Lovingkindness within Might
חֶֽסֶד שֶׁבִּגְבוּרָה
Returns the sefira. For example, on day 8 חֶֽסֶד שֶׁבִּגְבוּרָה Chesed shebiGevurah Lovingkindness within Might