Function yerushalmiYomi

  • Using the Vilna edition, the Yerushalmi Daf Yomi program takes ~4.25 years or 51 months. Unlike the Daf Yomi Bavli cycle, this Yerushalmi cycle skips both Yom Kippur and Tisha B'Av (returning null). The page numbers are according to the Vilna Edition which is used since 1900.

    The Schottenstein edition uses different page numbers and takes ~6 years to complete.

    Throws an exception if the date is before Daf Yomi Yerushalmi cycle began (2 February 1980 for Vilna, 14 November 2022 for Schottenstein).


    • date: number | Date | HDate

      Hebrew or Gregorian date

    • config: YerushalmiYomiConfig

      either vilna or schottenstein

    Returns YerushalmiReading | null