Represents Parashah HaShavua for an entire Hebrew year


  • Caculates the Parashah HaShavua for an entire Hebrew year


    • hyear: number

      Hebrew year (e.g. 5749)

    • il: boolean

      Use Israel sedra schedule (false for Diaspora)

    Returns Sedra


  • Returns the date that a parsha occurs or null if the parsha doesn't occur this year


    • parsha: string | number | string[]

    Returns null | HDate

  • Returns the parsha (or parshiyot) read on Hebrew date


    • hd: number | HDate

      Hebrew date or R.D. days

    Returns string[]

  • R.D. date of the first Saturday on or after Rosh Hashana

    Returns number

  • Returns the underlying annual sedra schedule. Used by @hebcal/triennial

    Returns NumberOrString[]

  • Looks up parsha for the date, then returns a translated or transliterated string


    • hd: number | HDate

      Hebrew date or R.D. days

    • Optionallocale: string

      Optional locale name (i.e: 'he', 'fr'). Defaults to active locale

    Returns string

  • Checks to see if this day would be a regular parasha HaShavua Torah reading or special holiday reading


    • hd: number | HDate

      Hebrew date or R.D. days

    Returns boolean