JavaScript / TypeScript
- @hebcal/hdate - converts between Hebrew and Gregorian dates
- @hebcal/core - Jewish holidays, Shabbat and holiday candle lighting and havdalah times, Torah readings, and more
- @hebcal/leyning - Torah Reading API for Parashat HaShavua and holidays
- @hebcal/triennial - Triennial Torah Readings
- @hebcal/learning - Daily Learning Schedules (Daf Yomi, etc)
- @hebcal/rest-api - Jewish holidays and Hebrew calendar as plain JSON objects, RSS, and CSV export
- @hebcal/icalendar - iCalendar RFC 2445
- @hebcal/noaa - sunrise and sunset via NOAA algorithm with elevation, based on KosherJava
- hebcal/hdate - converts between Hebrew and Gregorian dates
- hebcal/hebcal-go - Jewish holidays, Shabbat and holiday candle lighting and havdalah times, Torah readings, and more
- hebcal/greg - converts between Gregorian dates and R.D. (Rata Die) day numbers
- hebcal/gematriya - system of writing numbers as Hebrew letters